Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The National Youth Band of Canada is a unique musical experience that provides Canada’s talented student musicians, ages 16-21, with an outstanding opportunity to perform and network with a renowned Canadian conductor, guest soloist and the country’s top young instrumentalists.  Since 1994, the National Youth Band of Canada has offered an unparalleled musical opportunity for outstanding Canadian instrumentalists, woodwind, brass and percussion on an annual basis.   Students from across Canada are united by their love of music, their desire to create a challenging concert program all within a positive atmosphere while creating lifelong friendships.  National Youth Band of Canada 2013 will take place April 27th - May 5th, 2013 at Mount Allison University in picturesque Sackville, New Brunswick and Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Guest conductor will be Jonathan Dagenais.  Yamaha Guest Artist will be D’Arcy Gray.
 Rehearsals for NYB 2013 will commence in Sackville, New Brunswick at Mount Allison University on Saturday, April 27, and end in Nova Scotia at Mount St. Vincent University. The ensemble will be featured at several performances in New Brunswick. In Nova Scotia they will perform at several area schools and will be the featured group in two final concerts at the Atlantic Festival of Music in Halifax. Participants will return home on Sunday, May 5, 2013.

Auditions must be post-marked no later than December 1, 2012.
The NBBA is proud to be sponsoring this event.
If you know of any student musicians that would be interested in auditioning, please pass this on to them. 
For more information, please contact nybmanager@hotmail.com or visit the Canadian Band Association website www.canadianband.ca.
Hope to see you at one of the many performances!
Melissa Akerley Meadows, President NBBA


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BandBlast 2012

Hi, Everyone:

BandBlast 2012 is almost upon us!  This year, the event will take place in Moncton, New Brunswick on October 26 - 28. 

I'm very pleased that the Riverview High School and the Riverview Arts Centre , 400 Whitepine Road Riverview, will partner with Band Blast 2012 to provide the rehearsal venue and Sunday afternoon concert. Riverview High School, home to the Codiac Concert Band/ Harmonie Codiac which rehearses there Tuesday evenings throughout the school year, will provide the practice rooms and other necessary facilities while the Riverview Arts Centre will sponsor the Sunday afternoon Band Blast 2012 Audience Appreciation Concert.

For more information please view the website at:


Looking forward to seeing you there!



Thursday, May 24, 2012

CBA Meeting, May 2012

Hi, Folks:

I just returned from my very first CBA Board Meeting in Winnipeg, MB.  It was the first time that I had attended a meeting and also the first time I visited Winnipeg.  It was great to meet members from across Canada and listen to what they had to say about the state of music education in Canada. 

The highlight of my trip was definitely the Saturday evening concert that featured the Manitoba Junior and Intermediate Honors Bands as well as the National Youth Band.  What an amazing concert!  Youth talent is alive and kicking in Canada - and that's a good thing.

Speaking of the NYB, they are coming to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in 2013.  Late April, early May time frame.  It will be very exciting to co-host with the NSBA and we, at the NBBA, are all very excited about it.  More on that later as plans unfold ...

Don't forget to renew your 2012-13 membership!

If you have any questions about NBBA, please don't hesitate to contact me at bandblastnb@yahoo.ca, the official NBBA e-mail adress.

Take care,


Melissa Akerley Meadows
President, NBBA